C. A. “Bert” Lundy pg. 2
Nevada State Journal August 6, 1908
Reno Gazette-Journal December 3, 1908
Reno Gazette-Journal November 4, 1908
Tonnopah Daily Bonanza November 29, 1908
Nevada State Journal January 13, 1908
The Sacramento Bee September 24, 1904
Silver City Lyon County Times May 16, 1903
Tonopah Bonanza January 7, 1905
Reno Gazette-Journal May 27, 1909
Nevada State Journal July 9, 1901
Thomas - Dorris Contest
Rickard - Lundy
Reno, Nev. Peterson Photo. Bert Lundy behind the wheel.
Photos of Bert Lundy and friends racing a Dorris automobile in Northern Nevada.
Bert Lundy racing his motorcycle.
Bert Lundy driving. On the drivers door is printed, “U.S. Public Health Service” with a logo below it.
On the side of the truck is printed,
“Emergency Hospital truck at the Panama Pacific International Exposition San Francisco 1915”.
Bert Lundy behind the wheel of the “Guard Department Patrol” wagon with three other members.
Bert Lundy standing center with four other National Guard members who are all wearing badges.
Written on the back of the photo: Charles Albert Lundy
Sgt. Major - in charge of transportation from ship to shore by tug boat.
Spanish American War in Cuba - 1898.
Charles A. “Bert” Lundy portrait in the National Guard.
Charles A. “Bert” Lundy Collar Insignia.
National Guard members, Bert Lundy is standing to the left of the gentleman in the top hat. Photo by Smith Studio Carson City.
Islas Filipinas Un Peso
Back of coin: Battles of 1899
Pago Church - Santa-Ana- San Pedro Macati-
Smith’s Run- Guadalupe C.- Malapat Na Bato-
Pateros- Tagui-g Pasig- TayTa-y St. Cruz-
Laguna De Bay- Morong
Cap C.A. Bert Lundy
Reno Gazette-Journal September 13, 1979
Reno Gazette Journal July 9, 1910
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Autos 4 Hire badge. Automobiles were rented to travel to the mines in Goldfield and Tonopah.
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